Thursday, January 16, 2014

Bring on the Euphoria

Early birthday present requested by me...mood enhancing light.  I think the trade name is "Euphoria Light" or something of that nature. 

We live in GRAY GRAY GRAY America or GREY GREY GREY America.  Use whichever spelling you prefer.  For years I have been reading about light therapy and thought, "Why not?"  Today was my first experiment.  Can't you see the skip in my type...I mean step? 

At 6:15 I rolled over and switched off the alarm and switched on the light.  Kevin's comment, "What is going on over there?"  Of course I think, surely he is used to my personal aura of light after 13 years of marriage but that's another story. 

I soaked up the light for 30 minutes.  Not sure if it has filled me with bliss yet.  But I have showered and exercised a bit.  Also have twice stretched my "hot" piriformis and it's only 8:51 am. 

"Hot" piriformis you say?  Not "hot" as in "good looking" but "hot" as in more sore than words can describe.  For a year and a half I have been nursing what I originally thought was a pulled muscle in my rear end from biking.  It hasn't gone away yet.  After discussing it with co-sufferer dear friend T. I have jumped on her medical diagnosis and determined that I have piriformis syndrome.  It's a real thing! 

Per the Internet the best thing to do is stretch the heck out of it.  Before I get out of bed I stretch, after I shower I stretch, if I get the chance to exercise afterwards, you guessed it stretch.  I have a physical next week and intend to ask "What else can a woman do?" 

I stare at this post and wonder, "Why am I sharing stories of my hind quarters?".  Maybe euphoria has set in and I just don't give a.....


  1. Oh we of the tight butts will soon become the most limber women in the Burg! I may take up pole dancing.

  2. Why didn't you ask me to come into the light when I was there visiting. I could use some euphoria.
