Monday, January 6, 2014

Apparently Stink at Origami I do

Ethan has been enjoying star wars origami lately.  He and a buddy at school have been making them during recess.  "Awesome." we say and encourage him to continue.

Fast forward spending a gift card at B&N bookstore, we spy a somewhat more complicated book.  "Sure.  Go ahead.  We can handle it." 

Somewhere in my brain I have a section that totally misjudges my abilities.  It thinks, "Yeah. I can do that."  When really it should think, "Let's leave that to the professionals."

I tried the Millenium Falcon.  Fail.  I tried the pod racer.  Fail.  I tried Chewbacca.  Fail.

Finally I buckled down.  I was fresh faced, a Saturday morning (I have my best energy level).  I had not one but two cups of tea.  I had eaten a healthy oatmeal/craisin breakfast.  This was it.  My best, and possibly, only chance for success.

I spent two hours at the kitchen table watching a you tube video and referencing the book.

Oh the sweet smell of success I have.

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