Monday, June 29, 2015

Vacation 2015 Part 1

It all began at the Waffle Shop in State College where the five of us descended upon good cousin, Garrett, who graciously let us crash at his apartment.  In payment we treated him to breakfast at this local well-known establishment.  
Next we took a boat tour through Penn's Cave, an underground limestone cave filled with water so you travel through it the whole time via boat.  So fun!  There were some tight fighting crevices where we had to lean in one way or another.  

 This was taken outside the cave as we turned around in a pond and were beginning to go back inside.  Our boat went into that tiny looking hole!  Crazy.

 On to visit friends in New Jersey where we went strawberry picking one day.

 Our kiddos love to play with these kiddos.

We visited New York City and saw some awesome Lego creations in FAO Schwarz.

 The boys loved climbing the rocks in Central Park.

 Wee William in Times Square.

 The view from the Empire State Building.  It appears as if both boys are nervous nail nibblers.

Empire State Building family selfie.  Yes, we are those people.
To be continued.....

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Remember the days when I used to post ?

We wrapped up the school year in a blur.  I was "on call" for a kindergarten teacher who was prone to early delivery with her second child.  It turned out she made it to 39 weeks and I was only in for her the last week of school.  It felt nice to have a station though where I could leave my bag overnight if I wanted to!!  The last weeks of school were filled with field trips with Will to the children's museum.  Ben went to the local historical society and I traveled with Ethan and the 5th grade band to Carnegie Mellon University for a performance review and then on to Kennywood where Ethan faced his fears (a little) and rode TWO whole roller coasters.  Small steps, baby.

Here is Benjamin on the last day of school.  

Will and friends at his last baseball game.

This Memorial Day, my sister Dianne and I planted flowers at my parents' grave.  We figured Mom would appreciate the rocks, knowing how she loved them.    

 If you are spending eternity in one spot, this cemetery sure is a nice one.

Other than that we have just been putting in the hours getting the house and grounds out of the neglectful state we have let them get into.  We are heading across the state and into New Jersey, New York and Massachusetts for a little family get away.  Hooray for summer!!