Monday, October 31, 2011

What Could Have Been

It almost seems too perfect, with all the typical evil, meddling mother-in-law jokes that go around, that my mother-in-law's birthday is on Halloween. Imagine the jokes and mileage I could get out of that one..."You think your mother-in-law is bad? Mine was BORN on Halloween."

Fortunately for me my mother-in-law does not fit the description of meddling or evil. To use a word she is lovely. She has played hundreds of games of Uno, Sorry, Trouble, or the current game of choice with the boys willingly and it almost seems as if she is enjoying it. She has read every book in our house at least once, if not twice. She never fails to send holiday cards to each boy and always helps out with school fundraisers. (Thankfully because Mom and Dad are really bad salespeople.)

On this, her birthday, we shall dine on Pumpkin Pie in her honor, read excerpts from "I Heard the Owl Call My Name" and snack on popcorn and peppermint patties. We love you Grandma! Happy Birthday to you!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday to a lovely woman! Rosemary, everyone who knows you is privileged and lucky and fortunate and all the adjectives in the thesaurus. . .hope you had a good one!

    Kim C
