Saturday, October 29, 2011

Definitely TREATS!

A cold and rainy trick or treat night sent us to the local university's dormitories for Trick or Treat rather that braving our street in the bad weather. Ethan declared it a "Maze of Treats." Here they are in all their glory..... Waldo


Red Monster making "GRRRR" noise.

A few days earlier Will and buddy Bea trick or treated on K's campus along with Joe Pa. You never know who you will meet when you are out!

Ethan and Ben couldn't wait to get home and sort their candy. Then I had to take a record of the results. Tootsie Rolls 23, Whoppers 19, Popcorn 3, 3 Musketeers 11, Milk Duds 12, Pretzels 2, Twizzlers 14, Skittles 7, Smarties 23, Reese's PB Cups 8, Kit Kat 11, Snickers 2, Tootsie Pop 14, Pencils 5. Then Mommy got tired.....Misc. 35. Not a stellar year for the M & M....not a one in the mix. Is that possible??? Per Ben's request, please note the milk dud tower in the middle.

Happy Hallllooooooweeeeeen. My peeps


  1. C U T E, C U T E
    love those stellar costumes. . .

    especially the little girl's monkey/princess--her mom really slaved over that one. she looks JUST like you, by the way.

  2. Cute! Great Waldo, Mr. left footed goal kicker! Love the Mickey pumpkin too...guess we should carve ours, huh?
