Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Kickin' Some LB Butt

After nearly a week of numerous and random laundry baskets piled and stacked around the house in various stages....clean and unfolded......folded and sorted.....folded and unsorted.....dirty.....we have a very important announcement to make.

We did not let the baskets get the best of us! We have come and we have conquered! They have been washed, dried, folded, sorted and wait for it- all put away! Take that you!

It's a big day in our house. No one will be dirtying laundry. We may get some looks on the street, but we don't care. It's the principle of the matter. Surely we can have ONE day or at least ONE hour of being ahead of the laundry curve.

Seriously. Is it really too much to ask for??


  1. Do you think the looks might have been because y'all were buck nekked in order to not dirty laundry? Just a thought.

  2. Too bad Bea doesn't live with you. She generates the least laundry out of all of us.


