Friday, November 18, 2011

Parental Plummet

Tonight I am praying for transformation
Into the parent I want to be
Someone who always knows the right thing to say
Someone who stays calm in the most hectic of moments
Someone who whispers her displeasure with a quiet voice
As she envelopes her child in warmth and safety.

Does she exist? Not here at the moment.

Raised voices.

I wish to crawl under a parenting rock and stick my parenting head in the sand.

"Sometimes it feels like you don't even like me." he says.
"Sometimes I don't like you. But I can be mad at you and still love you." I reply.

My friend insist this blog thing is therapeutic. Bring it on. Mama needs some therapy. FAST.

1 comment:

  1. Remember, you were a cool chick first, before you were a Mom. You definitely have more practice at that...the parenting thing comes with time. Your kids are great, so you must be doing something right! What you really need, is some time off to do the cool chick thing again, the Mommy stuff is easier when you are more relaxed. Give me a call whenever you need to!
