Thursday, March 31, 2011

Wishes, Moods and the Sort

It feels like it has been a long week. Ben is battling a cold, and it appears as though the cold is winning. Tissues are being needed right and left. Will has a double ear infection with a side of pneumonia. K. and I have been taking turns sleeping with him since he is so miserable. For the last few mornings he has declared at 4:30 am that he is "readytogetout" and wants a "cold drink and waffles". It is hard to negotiate with a 2 year old. "No no the sun is STILL sleeping. The moon is STILL out." Needless to say, we are a bit tired over here under the Sycamore. A lovely friend of mine with 3 children under 5 (Ages 4, 2 and 4 months) coined the new mantra for me, "I wish I were a better tired person." So true! Though as sweet as she is I can only imagine that her tired person is not as grouchy as my tired person. It seems so bizarre to me that I can take life in stride and be calm and patient one day and then bark out orders and demands with little to no patience the next. All the players are the same, but somehow the tide has turned. Not that the bad mood isn't enough, I then beat myself up for being in a bad mood at all and feel guilty because I can't be happy go lucky all the time. My question is this: Is anyone really happy go lucky ALL the time?????? Please say no so that I can feel normal and move on.


  1. I am happy-go-lucky all, all, all the--hold up and let me shut up the kids so I can finish the comment. . .

  2. know my story. The happy-go-luckiness comes from the "happy pills".

  3. Most days I am crappy-go-sucky.

  4. No :) It's impossible and don't beat yourself up. You are a wonderful mother and a great aunt. I remember counting the days until David would be in school. Now it's busier than ever, and the lack of sleep is traded in for problems that are less and less in our control. So, enjoy these days through the sleep-deprived eyes. You'll blink and they'll be in high school!
