Friday, April 1, 2011

You Picked a Fine Time...

Do you know the country song....."You picked a fine time to leave me Lucille"? Today we are singing the same tune, but have altered the words to "You picked a fine time to leave me loose wheel." Apparently K's car has a faulty wheel bearing. Yes, it's true. So some $400 dollars later K. can now drive down the rode without the risk of losing his left back tire. Old cars never die....they just require a lot of expensive maintenance work to stay on the road. If we can ever afford it we hope to buy some small groovy gas-savvy car for K.'s 45 minute commute to work. We've been eyeing the Prius and yesterday I saw some cool looking Honda car. The Fit? I can't remember the name. Gas efficient, compact and ready to turn corners on a dime. Until then, we will repair our bearings one wheel at a time.

1 comment:

  1. Very expensive indeed! John had two different wheel bearings, brakes & tires go in the past year. It was a fortune, but better than a new car I guess. Van wound up needing its third set of tires in 15 months last week. Finally got that straightened out I hope...
