Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Spring in Sycamore

Spent the morning at my Mom's in Sycamore enjoying the sights of spring.

Spring is one of my favorite times of year. I love spring wildflowers because of their vibrant colors at at time of year when I am in desparate need of some new life. I think Kevin is happy for spring because I finally stop rearranging the furniture!

I spent most of my childhood wading in the water of the waterfall behind my mom's house. I remember sitting beside the little creek and I just could not wait until it was warm enough to plunge my feet in. Water striders, daffodils, and bluebells were my playmates as I explored this winding creek in the spring.


  1. Gorgeous! I love Spring too...spend most of Feb and part of March pining for it!

  2. What a pretty time to walk beside a creek. . .
    Spring is also a good time for updating/fixing phones, don't you think?
