Saturday, February 19, 2011

Feller's Cake Bake

At Ethan's Cub Scout Pack banquet last night they organized a Feller's Cake Bake. The contest rules were very strict about no involvement from females of any kind. Kevin and Ethan took this very seriously and therefore I was banished from participation.
They chose to carve pound cakes covered with chocolate icing to make logs. Ethan enjoyed using a fork to make the bark markings on the outside.
Then the logs were placed on top of brownies rolled in powdered sugar (coals) to make a campfire scene with colorful fruit roll up flames.
The result.......Most original. Hooray.
Here are the proud bakers displaying their handiwork. Actually Kevin should handle all future cooking endeavors with the children because he was much more patient than I am, especially for a project involving powdered sugar!!

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