I try to trick myself to get this feeling of completion of a major project by acknowledging the completion of the mundane.....dishes emptied from dishwasher and put away - CHECK, lunch prepared, served and cleaned up after - CHECK, baby kept from leaping off of ottoman - CHECK. Doesn't always work.
Today I celebrate what may seem to some to be a small feat, yet it has been four months in the works. All the parts of space shuttle, rocket, launcher, and boosters are assembled together and sitting on the dresser. They are reunited - CHECK.
Prepare for blast off....baby is crying.
You go girl! Last week I finally threw out all the socks that didn't have matches...now I don't feel like I have to LOOK for them any more!
This is something I have never, and will never, accomplish. I wouldn't even know what the rocket bloosters were, let alone where they go.