Tuesday, October 8, 2013

First Grade

In case any one needed a good chuckle for the day, I have been practicing my scanning skills.  (I have been thinking that it is very important for my tech man, Kevin, not to feel too needed around here.)  During this process I came across this beauty of me in First Grade. 
My uneven bangs tells me that perhaps my mother was trying to save money by doing it herself.  Also, thrifty Sarah, made the dress which I have in my possession since we came across in the attic. 
Look at all that natural curl.  Wow.  Not enough curl to be curly and not enough straight to be straight.  That's me....stuck in the middle.  

My memories of First Grade include a big crush on Daniel K. who was always getting his desk put in the front of the room under the chalkboard by the teacher.  Also we sanded a wooden cutting board pig for our Mom's for Mother's Day.   On the first day of school I wore this rockin' navy blue sailor dress with a red tie.  Sweetness. 
The funniest part of this story however is that in the course of scanning I accidently sent it to my facebook account and not my e-mail.  PANIC.  Since I never post anything on FB I was genuinely concerned that now there would be a large young photo of me that I would have no idea how to remove.  Luckily I didn't see it anywhere.  Please tell me it is not out there.  Gotta call the tech man.

1 comment:

  1. Is that Ethan's twin sister? Wild.

    The bangs are classic. You look like my girls with the subtle upcurve on one side of the fringe.

    I think you're DARLING.
