Thursday, October 31, 2013

Don't Sign Me Up

The alarm goes off and after several hits of the snooze button I emerge, sleepy-eyed and not quite at my best mental game.  I meander to the kitchen to turn on the tea kettle then if I need to be somewhere that day I make my way to the shower. 

It's true.  I shower every day.  People could say I am a clean person because of it.  However, the recent conversations I have been privy to have informed me that I am dirty on the inside. 

Cleanses.  Everybody seems to be doing them.  10 day.  25 day.  I am sure there are more days.  You have special drinks and can only eat certain things for a certain length of time.  All this to rid yourself of your inner toxins.  Toxins?  Who knew? 

My toxins have been serving me well thus far.  Maybe I don't want to see them go.  My toxins and I are on a first name basis.  We have a co-dependent relationship.  What oh what would we do without one another? An image comes to mind of the birds that live on hippos and eat the parasites off of the hippos.  I guess I don't really like comparing myself to a hippopotamus, but you get the idea.

Perhaps I am just living in my bubble that I don't really need an inner cleanse.  Am I in denial?  Maybe.  That and I don't want to fork over hundreds of dollars to stock my refrigerator with "Fiber Drinks".  Sounds delicious. 

Until the test results come back "positive" for my inner toxicity, I will choose to carry on drinking tea, eating vegetables when possible and sneaking treats here and there. 

 Toxins Smoxins.  What evs.


  1. Of course there are "toxins" in your gut...that's why everything in there comes out periodically and we flush it down the commode. Most of us call it "feces" and "bacteria" though.

  2. Deeelightful toxins. that's what poop is for. For good times, for bad times, poop will come forever more. That's what poop is for.

    I feel as if I need to wipe a tear from my eye, that was so very moving.

  3. If ever it stops moving, that's what prunes are for!

  4. always funny no matter what. TP forever, man.

  5. You people CRACK me up! Get it? Heh heh
