Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Changes Changes

I am not really a blogger.

I mean, I blog.

But really....don't feel I can categorize myself amongst the true bloggers who actually know what they are doing.

I fell into this act based on advice from dear writer friend, Kim who said, "Go ahead. You should do it."  So I did.

I don't play around with my site.  Sometimes I open up the layout button and just start clicking things to see what happens.  Perhaps I should invest in a "Blogging for dummies" book because, as I admitted earlier, I don't really blog.

Somehow now I have changed my background to big.  Okay, fine.  No worries.  I will make it look intentional for Breast Cancer Awareness month. 

Somehow now I have removed a picture of Ben, that in all honesty I didn't even know was there until I saw it today.  Oops.  Gone. 

Also little tools that I don't know what they mean....perhaps to the tech savvy they mean something important...they have disappeared.  Farewell.  Didn't know what you meant anyhow.

I am feeling a bit weary carrying the title "Jack of all Trades Master (or Mistress) of none".  There seems to be a lack of time and enthusiasm to do much of anything or of mastering (mistressing?) anything. 


Oh fraggle, those little tools are still there. Are they supposed to be there? How do I get rid of them?

Feeling like I want to lay in bed and stare at the ceiling for hours.  Perhaps I can master that.


  1. I think we are all getting worn a little thin - you are carting 3 boys around to soccer and music lessons every day, you are working extra hours, everyone needs something from you NOW - it's exhausting. I think we should go out to celebrate our "free time" once soccer is over!

  2. I'm in! I want to celebrate free time, too!

    Hey, Sal, who cares about tools? Give crap to the tools. Tell them to go to hell.

    And then go stare and something good, like chocolate cake, or toast with jam, or a really pretty flower. Wish I could bring you m to stare at. You and I could stare at each other until the cows came home.

