Monday, May 23, 2011

Double Vision

I awoke from sleep grabbed my glasses and wandered into the kitchen to turn on the tea kettle. "Man my eyes are cloudy this morning." I thought to myself. I blinked. I blinked some more.

In the spring my eyes are itchy probably due in part to the "A" word which we were never allowed to say as children......"allergies". My mom doesn't believe in allergies. I haven't told her we had the boys tested. Nor have I informed her of the results. She did recently declare that something in the air must be bothering her. Not sure what that something might be.

Anyhow, I thought my undocumented allergies must be affecting my eyesight.

I went to the bathroom to wash my eyes out in the hopes of clearing up my world. I scrubbed but still blurry. "What is going on? Could my eyes have deteriorated that much in one night?"
I was bewildered.

I took off my glasses to spray them down with cleaner only to discover I had on Kevin's glasses.

Mommy brain strikes again.

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