Thursday, September 18, 2014

Science Test Notes

Ethan is learning to take notes this year in science class.  He brought home his notebook from school today because he has a test tomorrow.  I had to smile when I looked at his sweet (although sloppy) handwriting. 

His comment is that there isn't enough room on the lines.  I told him that it was okay to use two or more lines for each thought.  Notice how he crammed it on along the side?

Oh the arbitrary rules that we make ourselves fit into.  

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


It's been about a year now since we joined the I-group.  We now are proud owners of an I-pad and two I-phones.  I have always been partial to the Apple products.  Back in the day I could use a Mac like nobody's business.  Then I married K. who has been trying to show me the ropes on the Windows/Dell (see I don't even know what to call it?) for years.  He has been patient during my frustrated moments..."Where is it?"  "How do you do it?"  Blah blah moan moan. 

If we could afford it we could convert our mammoth desktop computer to an Apple, but until we win the lottery we will do with what we have.  Really, my day wouldn't be complete without the computer crashing on me.

Back to the topic at hand, anyhow, yesterday was a crazy afternoon.  Kevin had a meeting and wouldn't be home to take Will to soccer at 5:00.  The boys pile off the bus at 3:30 famished, tired and sweaty.  In that mere hour and a half I needed to snack them, do 3 rounds of homework, dress all three for soccer (E/B practice at 5:45), eat supper and get to practice in a timely matter. 

It didn't help that the oldest son was not in the mood to do homework.  "I hate homework.  Why do we have to do homework?  Ahhh.  I'm tired.... etc. etc."  After several rounds of motherly words, we finally finished most of what we needed to do and piled into the van by 4:59.  Halfway to practice I realize I forgot all the equipment that I was supposed to bring. 

I dropped Will off late and returned home to pick up the equipment and then returned to practice to drop off the equipment, finish Ethan's homework and push them on the field for practice.  

What's all this have to do with your I-phone you ask?  Well, during the course of traveling to and from the soccer field to home, four times I passed by a pharmacy chain store.  Four times my phone dinged like a cash register.  Apparently the Key Ring feature that keeps track of all my loyalty cards was telling me that "There are savings nearby at Rite Aid." 

Oh thanks for that.  Perhaps if you had reminded me to pick up the soccer equipment before I left home I would have experienced some other type of savings.

On a side bar, we watched soccer from behind 6-8 large piles of asphalt that they dumped on the road.  It made for an interesting perspective to say the least.  This is why we live in the country.  For the beautiful views.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

A Productive Day

Some days it feels like I get nothing accomplished.  I think that feeling is just a way of life for people with young children.  Latley I have had a little more time on my hands and on days when I don't substitute, sometimes I can actually FINISH something.  

I have been working on a pair of fingerless gloves and today finished one!  Woo hoo.  I can't help to think of that Harrison Ford movie where he is accused of killing his wife, but blames it on the one-armed man......anyhow, the point is, the one-armed man would now be able to wear one of my finished fingerless gloves.  The Fugitive FYI

Also, I have been in need of a teacher bag to carry all my "comfort" stuff to school.  I have to laugh because the day I was in kindergarten I didn't even OPEN my bag because I was so busy.  BUT it is like a security blanket for me of sorts.  There are extra lessons and a few picture books to read.  

I had all the fabric on hand.  It's funny because I tried to sew something last week.  I stared at all the fabric and couldn't decide on anything for a solid hour.  Finally I got my Adult ADD under wraps, sat down turned on the machine and proceeded to brake the bobbin winder.  Now that machine is in the shop but my sister loaned me an extra one of hers.   

Thankfully today's project went a bit smoother. 

Also I have been sorting through knitting magazines of my Mom's and trying to select possible patterns and actually DISCARD magazines that don't have anything worthwhile.   (This is virtually UNHEARD of as far as my Mom is concerned.  Her comment, "They don't eat anything.") 

I found this pattern and think that it speaks for itself. 


Sunday, September 7, 2014

Back in the Trenches

It is Sunday.

I think my legs are finally rested after my subbing day in Kindergarten on Friday. 

Not a lot of extra time for sitting.

It went fairly well, though I was so concerned about missing deadlines....8:10 this....9:00 assembly....10:30 that....1:15 art...etc that I forgot all my classroom discipline skills and spent the day reminding over, and over, and over, and over.  Hopefully I didn't ruin the established classroom behavior for the regular teacher when she returns on Monday. 

However, I did it and I survived.  Woot woot.  Now I need to get psyched to do it again!

My men bought me flowers, because they are thoughtful that way.

Until my next job, I will search online for good compression hose.  Must....keep....that....circulation....working.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

And so it begins.

This week found some of us feeling under the weather.  Ethan stayed home from school yesterday with a sore throat and upset stomach.  I haven't been myself for the last three days.  Someone brought a little ray of sunshine to my door to brighten my spirits.  

Isn't it cute?  Thanks T.  So bright and cheery! 

Monday, September 1, 2014

Laborious Labor Day

'Twas a lovely Labor Day Weekend.   We attended our local high school football game on Friday night.  Ethan and Ben worked on their doodle book most of the game.  Mid way through the first half Ethan says "Are we the white team?"  Needless to say, we weren't.  Where's your school spirit my man?? 

Saturday we loaded up our bikes on our spiffy new bike rack and headed off.  We enjoyed a few laps and then the humidity sent us running back home.  Whew.  Will has finally gotten the hang of a two wheeler.  He just needs to tweak his starts and stops. 

Then we headed to the ridge to swim with friends, eat their delicious food and enjoy conversation as the children watched video.  Here's a picture of Will living it up in the pool.  
He looks pretty happy, doesn't he? 

On Sunday we traveled to Pittsburgh to watch the Pirate game.  We had great seats and I felt like I was a competitor in the pierogie race!  Okay, maybe not.  It is fun to sit in those baseball stadiums and cheer on a team (even if technically you don't really follow them or watch them ever).  

Since today is Labor Day, Kevin and I worked our butts off (mine is still sore from biking!) trying to get the house organized and clean.  Gheez!  House keeping bores me to tears.  However, I am happy to report I can access my sewing machine and hope to work on few projects in the next few days.  

The house is pretty quiet most days as all three boys are in school.  I have spent my days cleaning the carpets, organizing the house and knitting.    I am scheduled to sub my first day in Kindergarten on Friday.  I am still getting the hang of the sub alert system.  I seem not to have a trigger finger quick enough because I hear the alert and check my phone.....and missed it.  Oh well,  I will figure it out in time I suppose.