Tuesday, September 16, 2014

A Productive Day

Some days it feels like I get nothing accomplished.  I think that feeling is just a way of life for people with young children.  Latley I have had a little more time on my hands and on days when I don't substitute, sometimes I can actually FINISH something.  

I have been working on a pair of fingerless gloves and today finished one!  Woo hoo.  I can't help to think of that Harrison Ford movie where he is accused of killing his wife, but blames it on the one-armed man......anyhow, the point is, the one-armed man would now be able to wear one of my finished fingerless gloves.  The Fugitive FYI

Also, I have been in need of a teacher bag to carry all my "comfort" stuff to school.  I have to laugh because the day I was in kindergarten I didn't even OPEN my bag because I was so busy.  BUT it is like a security blanket for me of sorts.  There are extra lessons and a few picture books to read.  

I had all the fabric on hand.  It's funny because I tried to sew something last week.  I stared at all the fabric and couldn't decide on anything for a solid hour.  Finally I got my Adult ADD under wraps, sat down turned on the machine and proceeded to brake the bobbin winder.  Now that machine is in the shop but my sister loaned me an extra one of hers.   

Thankfully today's project went a bit smoother. 

Also I have been sorting through knitting magazines of my Mom's and trying to select possible patterns and actually DISCARD magazines that don't have anything worthwhile.   (This is virtually UNHEARD of as far as my Mom is concerned.  Her comment, "They don't eat anything.") 

I found this pattern and think that it speaks for itself. 



  1. Our kitties would like a sweater for Christmas, please.

  2. Does that come in Charley size? Do NOT discard the pet sweater patterns. They are precious! I love that comment of your Mom's.

    And wow, that fingerless glove is so beautiful! And the bag so much fun, even if you never open it. Go, you!

