Wednesday, September 17, 2014


It's been about a year now since we joined the I-group.  We now are proud owners of an I-pad and two I-phones.  I have always been partial to the Apple products.  Back in the day I could use a Mac like nobody's business.  Then I married K. who has been trying to show me the ropes on the Windows/Dell (see I don't even know what to call it?) for years.  He has been patient during my frustrated moments..."Where is it?"  "How do you do it?"  Blah blah moan moan. 

If we could afford it we could convert our mammoth desktop computer to an Apple, but until we win the lottery we will do with what we have.  Really, my day wouldn't be complete without the computer crashing on me.

Back to the topic at hand, anyhow, yesterday was a crazy afternoon.  Kevin had a meeting and wouldn't be home to take Will to soccer at 5:00.  The boys pile off the bus at 3:30 famished, tired and sweaty.  In that mere hour and a half I needed to snack them, do 3 rounds of homework, dress all three for soccer (E/B practice at 5:45), eat supper and get to practice in a timely matter. 

It didn't help that the oldest son was not in the mood to do homework.  "I hate homework.  Why do we have to do homework?  Ahhh.  I'm tired.... etc. etc."  After several rounds of motherly words, we finally finished most of what we needed to do and piled into the van by 4:59.  Halfway to practice I realize I forgot all the equipment that I was supposed to bring. 

I dropped Will off late and returned home to pick up the equipment and then returned to practice to drop off the equipment, finish Ethan's homework and push them on the field for practice.  

What's all this have to do with your I-phone you ask?  Well, during the course of traveling to and from the soccer field to home, four times I passed by a pharmacy chain store.  Four times my phone dinged like a cash register.  Apparently the Key Ring feature that keeps track of all my loyalty cards was telling me that "There are savings nearby at Rite Aid." 

Oh thanks for that.  Perhaps if you had reminded me to pick up the soccer equipment before I left home I would have experienced some other type of savings.

On a side bar, we watched soccer from behind 6-8 large piles of asphalt that they dumped on the road.  It made for an interesting perspective to say the least.  This is why we live in the country.  For the beautiful views.