Monday, November 5, 2012

Sunday Show

Ethan and I spent the day in Pittsburgh with a friend and her son to see STOMP.  The boys were very impressed with the grandeur of Heinz Hall. 

"There's money on a plate in the bathroom!"  they informed us running out bright eyed and in disbelief.  "Oh, was there a man near the money with a towel?", we questioned.  "Yes.  He looked like a butler."

The shiny brass topped garbage cans prompted B. to say, "That's the coolest trash can I have ever seen."  And as we were exploring the three floors of the Hall before the show, Ethan and B. almost jumped for joy when they spied the "Men's Lounge". 

"There's a Men's Lounge.  Let's check it out." 

I am not sure if they expected there to be room after room of billowing cushioned chairs and sofas for lounging with plates of grapes and cheese for snacking.  They returned quickly and stated, "It's just a bathroom."

So many things to learn about the world.

We have been trying to expose our children to cultural activities in Pittsburgh.  Growing up I went to Pittsburgh once to the circus in third grade with a friend and I thought that was the coolest thing ever. 

Hopefully we (namely my organized husband who planned it all) provided a memorable experience of rhythmical push broom pounding and tapping on water filled kitchen sinks...or at least a glimpse at fancy garbage cans, bathroom butlers and lounges.

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