Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Night Class Blues

Tonight is K's late class so it is me and the three musketeers.  I was always a bit jealous of my friend, Kim's ability to call her husband's night class night girls' night.  You see she has three girls.  For me, however, I have reached a stumbling block.  Here are some of the names I have thrown around: 
"3 boys and a mom"  "Survival of the Fittest"  "How many hours until this day is over?" 

Finally after 9 years of a night class, I have figured a few things out.

1.  Do not cook.  Open a box of chicken shapes and throw them in the oven.

2.  Loosen the rules at dinner.  So what if the boys blow bubbles with their straws until they are cascading over their blue plastic IKEA tumbler.  What of it?  Stare blindly into space.

3.   If possible, keep all three boys in different areas of the house for as much of the night as possible.  It is amazing how quiet it is with one in the bath, one playing in the living room and one reading in the family room.  Wow! 

4.  Do everything earlier. No biggie if your oldest child says, "Why are we upstairs in bed at 7:00?"  Why not? 

5.  Act like video will be rewarded for good behavior, knowing full well that it will happen no matter what.  Mama needs some down time to blog.

6.  Take note of but do not comment to spouse on the fact that his night class seems to ALWAYS fall on the night that the garbage has to go out. 

7.  Be thankful your husband comes home again. 

Last week I put my pajamas on at 3:00 in the afternoon.  I had worked in the morning at the preschool, facilitated the games at Ben's first grade Halloween party, and ran up and down the steps to Ethan's class room party for equal presence.  Needless to say, the boys were upstairs and in pajamas shortly thereafter.

Take that Rosie (mother in law).  I know you are always trying to beat me in the "first to get their pajamas on" race but SURELY I beat you that day.


  1. I read this one out loud and Martin and I laughed all the way through. Favorites include: "chicken shapes," "stare blindly into space,"in bed at seven," "knowing full well," and the garbage going out. Plus the pjs at three! I think you beat me, too, though I won't count the days I slept in my clothes, wore them the next day, and slept in them the following night.

    How'd the Halloween games go???

  2. We wrapped each other like mummies, did the eyeball relay and played charades. Very successful I think!!

  3. I was lucky enough to witness the jammies when the girls stopped by to show off their Halloween costumes. I though she was dressed up for Halloween!
