Sunday, January 2, 2011

Holiday Snippets

"Take It All Down....Christmas is Over."

Lyric taken from one of our new favorite Christmas CDs by Relient K. 

'Twas a lovely holiday season.  Snow on Christmas.  Relatively healthy family (couple of colds and sinus infections).  Kids behaving and playing nicely.   Yippee.  It was grand.

New Year's resolutions per Ethan and Ben.... "We will play nicely....and if there is a problem, we will work it out."   I will embroider that onto a pillow that I can throw at them when a reminder is needed.

Some moments I wanted to share.

Gingerbread house (a little drippy but standing)

Laundry awaiting its proper placement

Will , cousin David, and Uncle Johnerik enthralled with train.

Will with favorite gift- playdough

Ben with favorite gift "Rainbow in my Room"

Ethan with favorite gift "Bouncy Ball Maker"

Bouncy Balls made by Ethan and assistant Ben

Christmas Eve Pajamas worn by the Governors


  1. I'll bet the boys loved nibbling that gingerbread house. . .oh, wait. Are they not alllowed to touch the traditionally edible house and direct famously loved sugarplums toward mouth?

  2. Hey! It's the process that is important....not the sugar consumption.
