Monday, September 23, 2013

Rules to Live by....according to 10 year old

I found this list titled "Golden Rules" scribbled in Ethan's handwriting.

1.  Don't party with psychos.
2.  Do not have a fancy party in a sewage pipe.
3.  Don't have a glass yard sale at a football game.
4.  Don't swim in armor.
5.  Do not go out in a storm while fixing a lightning rod.
6.  Do not hide something from the Hulk.
7.  Don't take a bath in toxic waste.
8.  Don't play dodge ball with bowling balls.
9.  Don't go sledding in a landslide.
10.  Never make undies out of poison ivy.
11.  Never stand out in the open in a meteor shower.
12.  Never play jump rope in the middle of a war.
13.  Never play hide and seek with the invisible man.
14.  Never play tag with the flash.
15.  Don't play football with giants.
16.  Don't play tug of war with superman.
17.  Do not have a huge picnic by an ant hill.
18.  Don't box with the Hulk.
19.  Never have a blind person drive your car.
20.  Never set a rocket in self-destruct mode.
21.  Never have church in a demolition site.

These are unedited "Dos and Don'ts" from my son.

Apparently we are teaching well in the ways of the world.


  1. Sssssoooo, so funny. Martin and I think our favorite is "Never hide anything from the Hulk." That is so wise.

  2. I think rule #1 is particularly prudent!
