Friday, September 7, 2012


The cuteness level on this post may exceed your personal daily limits.  Please consult a doctor before viewing if you have been overwhelmed by cuteness in the past.

While searching through the purple flowered milkweed plants at Mimi's farm in Sycamore, we turned over leaf after leaf and discovered five monarch caterpillars.  Eagle Eyed Benjamin found one smaller than his pinky fingernail and named him "Little Guy".  We brought them home, continued to feed them fresh milkweed and cleaned their poop all the while watching them transform from caterpillar, hanging J shape and then making their chrysalis.  Yesterday we had three butterflies emerge! 

Will very much enjoyed watching them flap and dry their wings and placing them outside to prepare for their flight south.

Okay, I got a little carried away with the camera.  Get off my back.  In the future when he is a famous entomologist I will frame these and say this is when it all began.  This and picking up rolly polly's from the sandbox.


  1. Gorgeous kid, gorgeous butterfly. Is it time for the monarchs to travel already? Wow.

  2. Good thing you put the warning up! OMG great pictures! DT
