Sunday, July 15, 2012

I am the cause of a Security Breach

The phone rang yesterday and I answered it.  The conversation went a little like this.
Me: Hello. 
Caller: May I please speak to a parent of Ethan? 
Me: Sure.  This is his mother speaking.
Caller: Hello. I am calling from the library to say that Ethan has a book that was due back June 7th.  We were hoping that you would help him return it.
Me:  Oh.  Of course.  I am so sorry.  What is the name of the book?
Caller:  For security reasons we are unable to tell you the name of the book.  We can either send it by mail or you can come to the library.
Me: ?????????

I got off the phone thoroughly confused.  Really? I was proposing a breach in security if I requested the name of the library book that I was to help my 8 year old find and return.

I walked around the house in a stupor.  I take returning library books pretty seriously.  Yes, it is true we have returned our books late once or twice, but for the most part we are good, responsible, card-carrying members of the local library.  We attend story hour regularly.  We check out books regularly.  We are close friends with employees of the library and at least one member of the board. (You know who you are T.)

I made a phone call.

Me:  Hello. 
Library:  Hello.
Me:  I'm not sure if you called or if someone else called but here is the story. 

I proceeded to tell them the details.

Me:  Doesn't it seem counter productive for me to drive to the library to get the name of the book that is missing only to return home to search for it? 
Library:  Um.  Hold on.

Filler of elevator type music.

Library:  Oh, I'll just tell you the name of the book.   [Name of the book withheld for security reasons.  I would tell you but then I would have to kill you.]

Me: Thanks.

Discussion follows at the house.  No one has seen the book.  I was on my way to a knitting shop visit with my Mom and sister.  Kevin states, "I'll take the kids to the library and see if the book is there so you can sleep tonight."

Ethan found it on the library shelf in 5 seconds.  Kevin and Will hadn't even made it down the steps yet.

Sleep easy tonight.  You may check out [Name of the book withheld for security reasons] any time now because it was once lost, but now has been found.


  1. I'm not sure I can consort with folks that 1) check out books that cannot be mentioned, and 2) return library books late. Oh yeah, I had to pay a late fine there last's all good!

  2. I bet it was one of those Captain Poopy Underwear Books! Gasp! Will I get arrested if I guessed the right one? DT
