Monday, December 5, 2011


of a Recipe Junky

Hello. My name is S. and I am addicted to recipes. I find myself constantly looking at cookbooks, supplements to the Sunday paper with recipes, web pages online blinking "FREE RECIPES", and magazine covers declaring NEW and IMPROVED one pot dishes. The pictures are so pretty. The foods look so appetizing and beautiful.

After one has caught my eye, either with its catchy name or mouthwatering photograph, I can't help it. I read the directions and if I deem it worthy I painstakingly clip it and stick it on the spice cupboard bottom shelf. This area could also be known as the Shelf Where New Recipes Go to Die or the Place From Which New Recipes Never Return.

It's true my friend. I don't seem to have it in me to take the next step. And it IS a very logical actually MAKE AND TRY the new recipe. I can't seem to get my act together in that way.

Perhaps it is the time of day I sit to make my grocery list because I seem to be throwing it all together in a hurry....What do we need? [quit arguing] What do I make for supper this week? [don't talk to your brother that way] Do we have the stuff we need for lunches? [Can you share it? ] What is on sale? [I'll play Sorry in a minute.] Do I have coupons that I can find and use? [I don't know where the lego alien guy is AND no, I can't look for it right now. ]

Apparently my creative brain shuts off and I think, "New Recipes?? Nah, I'll just stick with the same old, same old."

But I do so enjoy the first step and I must admit I don't intend to give it up. Perhaps an intervention is in order. Until then, please look the other way when entering the spice cupboard - clipped recipes may become airborne at any given moment.

1 comment:

  1. Um, you didn't even mention
    I meant, borrowing them. And you have made new recipes. Butter rolls? See. . .and ham and sodium soup ala raw potatoes (which was, by the way, super good).

