Monday, July 18, 2011

When Boredom Sets In...the Kids Get Creative

A college friend of mine from Portland, Oregen was visiting and gave us some parenting advice that he had learned as a child. "The best gift you can give your child is boredom."

I have been trying to remember this advice this summer because I am a recovering planner. My planning has led to frustration lately when the children seem unable to entertain themselves.

When I was little I was the queen of finding activities at home. I had a rock collection, a leaf collection, dug for clay in the creek to make pots, painted my face with rocks in the creek, played school, etc. Granted we had no neighbors with small children and we lived in the country so a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do for survival.

My children are used to having structured time and activities. This is due in part to the fact that otherwise the day turns into 24 hour wrestling match/cry fest.

Last Friday night I decided to dole out some of what Tim suggested to be the most important thing you can do for them....the big goose egg, zip, nada, etc.

Ethan asks, "What do you have planned for the day?" "Uh....I dunno...," I lie as I fight the Activities Director that lives inside me, "Nothing." I mutter.

The following pictures are the events that unfurled.
Big Wheel vs. Garbage Cans. At least he was smart enough to wear his helmet.

For your creativity which was tapped and the minor concussion which you suffered..........................You are welcome son.

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