Thursday, July 14, 2011

It's the Berries!

For some reason that is the quote I always remember from the movie "A River Runs Through It." Maybe because it sounded goofy when his girlfriend exclaimed her delight with his recent job offer. But I can attest to the fact that berries are in and of themselves delightful.

My mom, sister, Ethan and I went black raspberry picking over the 4th of July weekend. We are frustrated berry pickers at my mom's house. We have lovely memories of picking to our hearts content when we were children because my grandpa and father kept the farmland mowed. Also the cows devoured most of the weeds which forged a walking path near plentiful berry bushes. Nowadays the land is so overgrown it is very difficult to find many berries without hiking all over God's half-acre and even then you only to come up with a paultry number.

Picking berries has always been one of my favorite things to do. Alone in the country singing a song or two and then eating a bowlful with milk and sugar upon my return home. Once I had picked a bucketful and was heading home when I slipped in a cow pie and held onto my bucket for dear life. I sacrificed my backside to the cow pie so that the berries would be saved.

A lovely friend of mine who lives on a ridge and whose husband and father enjoy riding the tractor so much that there are numerous mowed paths that travel along the edges of black raspberry bushes. Her arms, hands and fingers were looking bit over scratched from picking as she invited us to come and share in the wealth of a bountiful berry growing season. We wore typical berry picking attire, hats, pants and carried long sleeve shirts along just in case we had to go in deep to get that one beautiful berry just out of reach.

End result.....It's the berries! I froze some and made a cobbler. I had intentions of taking a picture of it because it looked so pretty but this was all that was left by the time I reached the camera.

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