Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Signs of the Times

Driving home from the school drop off this morning, I took note of the sign under the local martial arts place. It typically reads the specials, "Special 3 months for $99.00" or "Families that Kick together....stay together" or the ever popular, "Self-Defense against Bullies" which seems to be their calling card.  Today, however, it contained a new message.

It read, and I am not making this up in any way:

Be Yourself.
Become an Individual.
Learn how.

Say what?  Being the visual person that I am, all I can picture is me, hair up in a pony tail, wearing my pristine thick cloth white pants and wrap jacket with whatever the first step color belt is, removing my shoes, showing up for class and having my Sensei yell at me for an hour, "What kind of eggs do you like?"  "What's your favorite color?"  or "What are your valid reasons for not liking Steely Dan?"   etc.

The martial arts program is now creating individuals?

My mind flashes back to one of the Monty Python movies, not sure which one, where the giant crowd is chanting "We are all individual!  We are all individuals!" when one lone man jumps up and asserts, "No no not me.  I'm not an individual."

I, individually, am amazed by this claim, and look forward to encountering the harvest of this new crop.


  1. What ARE your valid reasons for not liking Steely Dan? Or do you need to enroll in your local marshal arts program first?

    I am not an individual. No, not me. Got a kick out of it. A big high powerful ME kick.

  2. Oh gosh. I spelled martial, "marshal." that is so embarassing.
