Monday, January 26, 2015

A Day on the Town

Ethan was at a birthday sleepover and Kevin had a lot of school work to do, so Ben, Will and I hit the interstate and headed south to Morgantown.  We ended up at Barnes and Noble, one of our favorite haunts.  After browsing the books and selecting a few, we sauntered over to the cafe' for a snack.

Here we are enjoying the lovely view of the gray....gray clouds, gray concrete, gray sky....ahhhhh, winter. 

After our first round of snacks, Ben decided he was still hungry and perused the bakery counter.  When asked if he could get something else, the thrifty mother inside me said, "No." remembering that we had used our 20% coupon on the first purchases.  He implored, "But they have stacks, Mom.  You know stacks?"  
I didn't know stacks.  I had never heard of stacks.  I inquired for further details.  "They are really healthy for you.  Everyone should eat them."  He went on and on about stacks and how great they are.  I begrudgingly left my hot chai tea latte on the table and walked over to check out the stacks that somehow I have not encountered for the first few decades of my life.  

This is what I discovered: 

That, my friends, is some insight into the quirky, sensitive, loving little jokster, known as my second born.  Needless to say, the stack stayed in its case. 

1 comment:

  1. O, this made my day. So funny. And I wish I could have gone to B & N with you guys. I make trips there but it's generally by myself. Maybe I'll take the girls there tomorrow--they have school off. What a good idea.

    Ben, you are so very smart. Stacks. They do look good for you. The girls are asking when they can see you again. xo
