Thursday, November 21, 2013


As you may or may not know, I have always enjoyed brushing my teeth.  Sometimes perhaps I go at it a little too vigorously and after advice of my dentist have been trying to remedy this in the last few years (much to my gums' happiness).  Last July after having braces cemented to my teeth, having clean teeth became even more important to me.  No one understands "Do I have any food in my teeth?" better than my husband after me eating something containing spinach while wearing braces.  It wasn't pretty.

To sum clean freak....braces....even freakier....always looking for new and improved methods of cleaning.

Enter.....last year's Mother's Day gift.  Some mothers may want expensive chocolate, diamonds, perfumes, but not me.  I asked for a powered toothbrush that I had been admiring from a distance at the dentist office.  I can be a bit shy at first, warming up slowly to someone before smothering them with my needy personality so shifted into a snail's pace.  I held the sample in my hand, even went so far as to take a coupon home.  But I waited, wondering if I was worth it.  Weighing the pros and cons.  Also unfortunately she was a wee bit expensive.  The term champagne tastes on a beer income comes to mind.  But on Mother's Day when asked what I wanted, I threw it out there.  "Really?" my husband asked.  "Yes.  I am ready to take the plunge." new BFF.  I love her.  She has been there for me morning, afternoon and night.  Actually anytime that I feel the need to be freshened up.  At first I was a bit sensitive to her moves.  Apparently I have ticklish lips.  Now we have settled into a well-oiled give and take relationship.   Okay,  I am taking most of the time, but she is just so doggone generous.  She gently massages my gums and cleans my teeth, even late at night when I don't have the energy to offer much.   I just prop myself against the wall and let her have at it.

Best....Mother'  The gift that keeps on cleaning?

Here's a couple shots of us doing what BFFs do...sipping tea and laughing at the Facebook posts.


  1. I never dreamed I would be so jealous of a toothbrush. Envy commands me to bid the toothbrush DIE. DIE, toothbrush, DIE!

    Just kidding. I really do want what's best for you. And if you and the toothbrush are hitting it off, well then, that's good. I was never a very good gum-massager, anyway.

  2. J finds it hard to believe that toothbrushes are interested in facebook, but what does she know?
