Monday, August 27, 2012

S. Ed. 101

During one of my back to school shopping excursions, K. took the boys to the bookstore and E. was excited because he found a book about Legos and the Bible.

         Seemed harmless.  Legos.....Bible.

He has been perusing it off and on as he does.  Looking at the pictures of the little Lego minifigures posed and photographed in biblical story scenes.

         Seemed harmless still.

Enter, close friends who asked, "Did you read in E.'s book where it said 'He entered the village and raped her.'?"

Us, dumbfounded, "What??"

           Book went missing.

Then the icing on the cake later that night.  E. says to me, "Mommy what does it mean when a woman lays with a man in the Bible?"

Me, "Um?  I guess they sleep in the same bed maybe?"

E, "Then why do they have no clothes on?"

Me, "Well........"  Enter age appropriate conversation about the birds and bees.

           Book still missing.  Perhaps never to return.

Feeling like irresponsible parents are we.  (Yoda reference.)

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