Thursday, September 22, 2011

Open Challenge

I feel the need to publicly challenge all professional chefs and cooks out there to prepare the meals they prepare with a 27 pound 2 1/2 year old on their hip ("Mommy I want you hold me.") and while negotiating World War II between the older siblings. ("I am just so mad at him." "He hit me on the head with the umbrella." etc. etc.)

Wouldn't it be nice to have a personal sous chef to chop and prepare the food? I would even let them do the serious cooking every now and again.

I mean, really, how am I to have my husband's slippers and cigar ready for him when he comes home from work?

To me, this is one of life's great mysteries.


  1. He probably needs a smoking jacket laid out for him too...over that "after dark" outfit. My kids are sous chefs in training...once I trust them with sharp knives that is!

  2. Make sure you do it all in high heels.
