Thursday, September 8, 2011

Just When You Thought It Was Safe to Go In the Water

Yesterday I thought I was sailing smoothly. As the saying goes, "I was cooking with gas." The morning flew by with a trip to Trax Farms with my Mom. Will had a great time chatting his heart out in the car and looking at all the pumpkins and "ho ho's" (Santas) in the store. I returned home, switched the laundry, put Will to nap, returned to the kitchen to turn on the tea kettle and then tidied up a bit. I then thought to myself, "Oh I will get dinner together so that after school time can go more smoothly." I had put chicken in the crock pot before we left and it was done and ready to be turned into Chicken Tetrazzini.

See what I am saying? I was on fire. Things were just getting accomplished right and left. Rarely do I feel this productive.

I should have heard it. That subtle...da dun...da dun...da dun da dun da dun...I should have seen the dorsal fin protruding from the water......I should have run for my life.

Instead I lifted the ceramic insert from the crock pot to let it cool. .....da dun.... I set it down on to the stove top. ....da dun.... as I simultaneously set my arm down on the spout of the tea pot that was boiling on the stove.

AHHHHHHHHHH Could you hear the screams??

The result is a very large, circular mark on my right arm.

My friend Sara exclaims, "Sal, is that a birthmark on your arm? I've never noticed it before."

Note to self: Give up any notions that you need to have your act together. It only brings you harm.