Sunday, December 12, 2010

Things That Go Bump (or Growl) in the Night

I have a long list of nocturnal activities.....talking in my sleep, pulling snakes off the beside lampshade, punching my husband in the head to save him from some unknown attacker (sorry dear), leaping from the bed to the middle of my childhood bedroom floor and awaking to feel my chest throbbing from the impact...etc etc.  Not sure when deep sleep sets in.  Probably why I feel tired most of the time. 

The other night as Kevin and I were watching Glee, we hear thump, thump, thump.  It is a benefit of an old house with rickety know when ANYTHING is moving upstairs.  Kevin runs upstairs to find Ethan aimlessly wandering around the first floor.  "What's going on buddy?", he asks.  Ethan mutters something incoherent and Kevin redirects him upstairs and he instantly falls back asleep in his bed.

Strange occurrences. 

Last night Ethan and Kevin camped out at the zoo with the boy scouts.  I'm wondering, "Are there locks on the lion's cage?"

Just curious.

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