Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Me....version 2.0

I was working on the computer when I couldn't find my document.  "Where is it?  Ugh, this frustrates me that I can't ever find anything," I complain to my tech savvy husband.

"Oh."  He says.  "Here's the problem.  Remember a couple of years back when your desktop died and I had to create a Sally version 2?"

"Wha?" I say.  He had recreated me on the computer.  I laugh it off and say, "That's what I want to do in real life.  Throw away the old version and create a new one."

A newer sporty model. 

One that has boundless energy and enthusiasm for life's challenges and takes everything in stride.

One that can control her emotions and not cry at the grocery store when someone asks, "How are you?"

One that has all the patience in the world for her children and their little idiosyncriseese.

One that knows how to spell idiosyncrasies.

Of course, I would be a lot more expensive.  Perhaps taller.  Auburn hair. 

Watch out.  Coming soon.  To a store near you.


  1. I'm afraid that Sally 2.0 would be a snob. I always like the old versions better.

  2. I'll take the original.

    Ain't nothing like the real thing, baby.
