Tuesday, January 24, 2012


The three volume set of the Hunger Games books was a Christmas gift to my husband from his children (really his wife). Having read these disturbing, yet impossible-to-put-down books, I was not surprised to find K. throughout the following day devouring the tale.

Poor Katniss. Man, she's got it rough. I try to remember that at least I don't have it THAT bad as I wallow in the self-despair brought on by yet ANOTHER gray winter day. It's hard to find the motivation to do ANYTHING. I found myself laying on the bed eating popcorn from a bowl. I didn't even have the energy to sit up. Just laid there crunching my little heart and the afternoon nap hour away. Pitiful. No Hunger Games going on here, but certainly my own game of survival.


  1. Hungry games?
    As in, we are hungry all the live long day?
    I have tohose.

    Kevin is a dedicated reader. Did he make it throough the series yet? It reminds me of the beach vacation when my b-i-law wouldn't talk to us until he had finished Harry Potter.

  2. I just bought the first book and started it the other day. I am loving it!!! Wish I had more time to read.
